Devlog 4 - 19/05/24

This week, work continued on Scunthorpe Specials with a bug fix firstly; the pumpkin, which had a regular collider, was changed to a trigger in order to prevent it from pushing you across the map and even out of the map sometimes. 

After this, I created a boss which spawns in after the 5 minute timer finishes counting down. A black horse will appear with the same amount of health as you, along with a health bar entitled Jesse at the top of the screen. Jesse does twice the damage you do at 20 points per hit (you both have 100 points of total health). Upon defeating Jesse a victory screen will display and a victory voice line from Carter will play. Horse sprite:

The resolution settings were fixed as well so that the game is displayed properly in itchio on different monitors and a full screen button is also available. The full screen option runs fine on two computers I've tested it on, but had a massive frame-drop on a third, not sure if this is just a browser issue but hopefully it won't be a consistent issue.

Another option has been added to the title screen called "Tough Quote" which takes you to a screen with a quote and read aloud option, this is a very serious quote from myself addressing the loudness and distortion of Scunthorpe Specials. The track playing in the background of the read aloud option is Achievement sourced here:

Beyond this, I recorded a sound which plays upon Carter being hurt, and changed the placeholder death from beverages screen to resulting from a death from the horse, and created a new screen which will display upon a death from one of the beverages.

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